CAP Theorem in Hadoop What is CAP Theorem? CAP theorem is designed for distributed file systems(collection of interconnected nodes).CAP Theorem also known as Brewer’s theorem and used to distributed consistency.It contains follwing three technical terms for distributed systems. C – Consistency A – Availability P – Partition Tolerance Consistency: When you read data it will give same data how many times read and server send response each and every request but systems always consistent when read data.(all node having same data) Availability: It means all requests give response and no error accured in this systems. Partition Tolerance: All functions run all time when more nodes not responsive and commnication break between two nodes Distributed systems statisfy any two terms only and not satisfy three terms Selecting Two options in CAP Theorem: CP – Consistency/Partition Tolerance: It wait for response form partioned nodes and that ...
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